
ASANTE SANA- what an amazing 7-yrs-celebration!

Dear friends of School4Life and CBSM Kimilili,

A most sincere thank you for having joint and celebrated with us the 7-yrs-anniversary last week Friday, Sept 17, in St. Peter’s Restaurant in Zurich!

It was great to see so many familiar and also new faces and of course it was a special honour to have „Rev“ Wasike Walubengo with us who is the founder of CBSM Kimilili and the school director.

We want to thank you not only for your participation, but also for your generous donations that evening and for your constant support throughout the year for the benefit of the children in Kimilili – the revenue of the evening will be used to support the handicapped children in the Special Needs School of CBSM Kimilili.

ASANTE SANA and looking forward to celebrating with you again next year the 8-yrs-anniversary!

Agnes, Alex, Astrid, Miriam and the whole School4Life-Team

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