CBSM Kimilili: Secondary School

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of our project focused on improving secondary education opportunities in Kenya. We recognize that many students, particularly those from rural areas, faced challenges with delayed admission into the secondary education system due to factors such as late entry into primary school and limited educational facilities.

In Kenya, secondary education spans four years, starting around the age of 14. Students undergo the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examination at the end of the fourth year, typically held from October to November. The first year is known as Form 1, while the final year is Form 4.

With the introduction of free primary education, there has been a significant increase in primary school enrollment, leading to a surge in demand for secondary education. In 1963, at the dawn of Kenyan independence, there were 151 secondary schools enrolling 30,120 students. Today, there are approximately 3,000 secondary schools with an enrollment of around 620,000 students.

Secondary schools in Kenya fall into three categories: government-funded, harambee, and private. Government schools receive full funding, while harambee schools rely on community contributions and may not receive full funding. Private schools, operated by private organizations or individuals, provide an alternative system of education with better facilities and often carry prestige, but they tend to be more expensive.

Admission into government-funded secondary schools is based on the results of the Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education exam. Students with the highest scores gain admission into national schools, while those with average scores are selected for provincial or district schools. Harambee schools accommodate students with lower scores, and those who don’t pass their examinations often pursue technical and vocational education.

Through our completed project, we have made significant strides in improving access to quality secondary education in Kenya. We have worked diligently to address the challenges faced by students and have strived to create a more inclusive and equitable educational system. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the supporters and partners who have joined us on this journey. Together, we have made a lasting impact on the lives of students, empowering them with knowledge and opportunities for a brighter future.

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