Jambo, Jambo dear friends,
To the best donors and friends in the world: Your are incredible! ASANTE SANA for your support! Without you, School4Life would not have the impact we had during this last, troublesome year. In the run up to the festive season, School4Life prepared an advent calendar, with 24 sweet little surprises for you. Don’t forget to open a daily door HERE, to see the impact you have done, meet many of our beneficiaries and learn a bit more about the Kenyan culture!
School4Life wishes you all a festive season and a happy New Year 2022. Stay safe!
Now to give you the news about our amazing children at School4Life:
“Leaver’s Programme”
- School4Life supports children with tertiary education through the Leaver’s Programme which has been running now for four years. Beneficiaries receive sponsorship to complete a certified course through technical colleges or universities.
- Although several learning institutions were closed for various months due to the pandemic, which had forced us to put the programme “on hold” for a time, School4Life is very pleased to announce that our Leaver’s Programme has picked up again and all 60 students were able to complete their terms successfully. What a joy! They are all very appreciative of the assistance and are sending a big ASANTE SANA.
- Some students are still awaiting sponsorship. Help us to make their dreams come true! Only €50 per month is needed to send a Leaver to a college, while just €150 per month will cover a university student including all fees, accommodation and food allowance. Interested? Reach out to info@school4life.org
- We are so proud of all of our students from School4Life! Please see below some thank you notes that we would like to pass on to you. Without you, we would not be able to have this impact!
“I went to school yesterday and am very happy for you taking me to school. You have never failed me, you kept your promises and indeed, you have fulfilled. May God help you and give you more. The hand that gives is greater than the one that receives.” David, Building & Civil Engineering

“Thank you to School4Life for making my dream come true of becoming a chef. Cooking is my passion and I am humbled. I am very happy because I see a bright future” Clementine, Culinary Arts
“My grandmother is my great heroine. She keeps encouraging me in everything I do, most important in education. She has hopes that one day I will transform them from the poverty lifestyle to a better lifestyle .” Abiud, Accounting
“I’m writing this to express my gratitudes to you as School4Life indeed you have changed my life through your support, I never thought of going to school or being happy as others but your presence in my life have turned tears into happiness. (…) When I start counting what you have done for me, I will take the whole day listing without completing, School4life has helped me and now my dream of being a chemistry and mathematics teacher is coming true. May God bless you so much. Thanks.” Devis, Maths & Chemistry teacher

Corona Support Programme
The Corona Support Programme started 20 months ago back in March 2020 when the first confirmed case of Covid19 was reported and Kenya underwent strict measures to contain the virus and closed all learning institutions. The virus hit the poorest of the poor in the country.
To counteract this, School4Life provided direct support to 100 families with roughly 7 family members each throughout the pandemic. Therefore, over the last approximately 600 days we have provided 700 individuals with basic food supplies such as rice, flour, maize, cooking fat and charcoal to ensure that our students and their loved ones were not going hungry. This amounts to around 420,000 filled tummies – thanks to your support!
The Corona Support Programme was very well received, very much appreciated and a huge success as many individuals have lost their jobs and have since been unable to pursue new ones. These unexpected situations of having no income and the increased food prices meant that our beneficiaries struggled with no possibility to feed their families. Your donations have made a vital difference in the lives of our children! Asante sana!
Let us introduce you to our new “Rigi” Project
Matsarigi CBO, where Project “Rigi” gets its name from, is a non-profit organisation for the Matsangoni people of Kenya which are located on the eastern coast, north of Kilifi. Their aim is to break the poverty cycle through education, life long nutrition and sustainability – positively impacting the lives of 2,000 children and their respective families.
School4Life is very excited to team up with this bold mission, the focus being on sustainability and therefore helping the Matsengoni people to become independent in supporting themselves and eradicating their poverty cycle. This will be done by:
- Providing education: School4Life funded the building of a little school with two classrooms, hired teachers and education has started for 60 local kindergarden children. Furthermore, a dining room, kitchen and storeroom was completed in May to cater for the children. Click here to peek into the classroom and count the asante sanas!
- Ensuring sustainability: Implementing several projects to ensure self sufficiency, e.g., using the concept of vertical farming for food security. An expert from Nairobi was at the farm in Matsangoni earlier this year conducting demonstrations and teaching the Matsarigi women’s group.

We are currently in discussion to build a chicken farm in collaboration with the St. Gallen SIM students, so stay tuned for further news on that.
- The children are extremely grateful and have been learning how to say some basic phrases in German. We encourage you to watch the video of these amazing children here.
Kimilli Investigation Outcome
CBSM Kimilili School is now run exclusively by the local community with no further funding since end of 2019 from School4Life. School4Life is still waiting for the court results of our case, which with Corona and other factors got delayed. In addition, Mr. Kinoti, the Director of Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in Kenya, who has been leading our investigation regarding the land title deeds in Kimilili, has been sentenced to 4 months in prison due to “inappropriate behaviour”. We will keep you updated on any progress.
We would like to extend our greetings and best wishes from the School4Life Team for the upcoming festive season to our incredible donors and friends that support the community project. Krismasi njema and the biggest ASANTE SANA in the world!
Agnes & Astrid
& the School4Life Team